Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sanathana Dharma - Part 2

The first part in this series can be referred here

The basic concept which I was discussing in part 1 is the existence of an eternal law which operates on all aspects of our life be it physical or be it emotional.

If there be such a  law that governs every aspect of universe then there should be an implication of believing in such a principle.

This is where Scientists are likely to be pessimistic. We described in part 1 that every behavior can possibly be studied as some kind of science based on a known set of laws, Scientists would not necessarily be averse to it. But the moment we start talking of implications of believing in the existence of a universal law that should govern an individual behavior there will be a lot of tension. It is not difficult to see the reason. Science as we know today emerged from the conflicts that arose with religion in the medieval ages in Europe. Religion as was known in those days tried to stifle creativity which is the bed rock of modern scientific progress. It tried to stifle questioning of age old concepts. Such a questioning led to a more rational explanation of the universe and allowed people to establish principles that has helped in material progress.

However if there were a law that governs human behavior and action and the resultant impact of actions and thoughts, there must be sufficient thought given to understand this. The solution does not come from dismissing the existence of such a pattern but understand it rationally. One cannot dismiss something just because we may later find it inconvenient.

So talking about implication, the implication is this- Nothing , not even the freedom to exercise a thought can be viewed in isolation from our surroundings. We are dependent on nature and nature is also known as the sum of its parts which includes us.

So my proposition is that we start there.
1. An Eternal law governs the whole of living and non living world.
2. That the eternal law needs to be understood to have a beneficial impact on oneself and others.
3. That we need to act in a spirit of co-operation with nature as it were which includes us as one of its parts

This is what concept of Sanathana Dharma is all about . It starts there!
How do we live life rightfully for our own sake and for the sake of others. How do we factor in the whole nature in our actions!

Once we understand that it is not insane to believe in such things we should immediately review the kind of life that is being led today.

We commonly see people who
  1. Believe that as long as they do not interfere in others life, anything they do is fine
  2. People with an agenda but find life unfulfilled because others do not accept their agenda
  3. People whose ideas are accepted by people but the positive impact of their ideas is short-lived or never
      able to take shape.
  4. People who act on the basis of established beliefs and who believe in some eternal religion like 
       hinduism,   Christianity, Islam but yet not able to achieve what their religion says can be established.

If we understand what Sanathana Dharma is all about , we can correctly understand the problems with the way people deal with things. This is what I intend to explore in the next post!

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